Jade Ariana Phillips

b. 1995, Centralia, Illinois

Lives and works in Austin, Texas



Master of Studio Art, Distinguished Graduate

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL


Bachelor of Fine Arts, Summa Cum Laude

Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design, Denver, CO



Shedaesthetics, Artists at 802, Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO, October



LOSS, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL, (Virtual), September

Looking At You, Art Gym, Denver, CO, (Virtual), August


Biennial Faculty + Staff Exhibition, Philip J. Steele Gallery, Lakewood, CO, September

On Edge, Edge Gallery, Lakewood, CO, Juror: Adam Gildar, February


I CONTAIN MULTITUDES, Lakewood Cultural Center, Lakewood, CO, November

2018 Graduate Exhibition, Tarble Arts Center, Charleston, IL, April

Life Drawing Show, Doudna Fine Arts Center, Charleston, IL, April

Who Gon’ Check Me Boo?, Doudna Fine Arts Center Student Gallery, Charleston, IL, March


The Tenacious Gilbert Pinhead Ensemble’s Fanciful Orange Butthole Smash Time Naysh, Burl Ives Studio Hall, Charleston, IL, November


53rd Annual Student Exhibition, Philip J. Steel Gallery, Denver, CO, February-March


Spivak City Exhibitions, Spivak, Denver, CO, June-August

Altered Reality, Public Art Collaboration with Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design, the Museum of Outdoor Arts, and Republic Plaza, Denver, CO, August – February 2016


Art on the Square, Belleville National High School Exhibition, Belleville, IL, March



Habitat Dever Restores, ReStore + RMCAD= Marvelous Mural!, public mural, YouTube, April 24,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HVIBP6g4w

Museum of Outdoor Arts, Arts Brookfield, Republic Plaza, and RMCAD, Pikes Peak or Bust, public outdoor sculpture, August 20 – February 2016

40West MuralFest 2015. Colfax: The Grit and Glitter, public mural, temporary installation



Peterson, Alec. On Edge: A Gallery, Salt Magazine Online, February 13, https://saltmag.online/2019/02/13/on-edge-a-gallery/


EIU Distinguished Graduate Program 2018, https://www.eiu.edu/graduate/pdf/2018Journal.pdf (pg. 3/40 and 33/40)


40West MuralFest. Meet Jade Phillips, WestColfaxMuralFest.org,http://www.westcolfaxmuralfest.org/muralists/jade-phillips/

Hamel, Ken. Museum of Outdoor Arts Public Art Program Sponsors Temporary Sculpture for Republic Plaza, Denver Metro Art News, August 12, http://denverarts.org/local_news/rmcad_public_art_at_republic_plaza

RMCAD News. Muralfest Brings Art to Colfax, RMCAD.edu, August 13, http://www.rmcad.edu/news/muralfest-brings-art-colfax

Denver Business Journal. Installation of RMCAD’s outdoor sculpture at Republic Plaza (Video),http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/video/l2dW1pdzrizsFEDCQ1519Nn93uXDnOFx?autoplay=1

Museum of Outdoor Arts Online. Pike’s Peak or Bust, Moaonline.org, August 20, http://moaonline.org/dbrmcad/



Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Public Art Committee (PAC) Selection, Honeypot on loan, Denver, CO, Regional


Eastern Illinois University Distinguished Graduate in MA Program, Charleston, IL, Departmental


Grant in Aid, Eastern Illinois University Art Department Grant, Charleston, IL, Departmental


Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Fine Arts Departmental Award, display of active engagement in the Fine Arts RMCAD community, Lakewood, CO, Departmental


Philip J. Steel Foundation, Carla Miranda and Dustin Peletier Memorial Scholarship Award, Lakewood, CO, Regional


Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Distinguished Honors List, outstanding academic achievement, top of class, 4.0 GPA, Lakewood, CO, School-Wide


The Centralia Foundation, Lillian May Harris Scholarship, Centralia, IL, Regional

The Centralia Foundation, Fred L. and Grace J. Wham Scholarship, Centralia, IL, Regional


People’s Choice/Artist’s Choice/Award of Excellence, cash award, Belleville Art on the Square, Belleville, IL, National

Rocky Mountain College of Art +Design Academic Scholarship, entry scholarship, Lakewood, CO, National

Rocky Mountain College of Art +Design Admission Award, National Portfolio Day Award, St. Louis, MO, National

Rocky Mountain College of Art +Design Artistic Scholarship, entry scholarship, Lakewood, CO, National